Thursday, November 29, 2007

Events in JAWS Scripts

Since I started writing jaws scripts for Exodus application which is an instant messenger built on jabber platform, I was wondering how jaws announces certain text in other application like some text is spoken by jaws at startup.

I started writing scripts that were executed on certain keystrokes. Then I found there were many events that we can subscribe in our scripts. I opened the default.jss file which is the default script, I found many events and their parameters information, most of the events are self-explanatory.

Just copy any of the event's first line that looks something like: "Void Function EventName" followed by the parameters in the round brackets. Try writing some debug code that will use any of the parameters, you will quickly come to know what each parameter is about. I am sure your scripts will become more efficient than writing scripts which moves the active cursors and reaches certain areas of the screen and then telling jaws to read lines, words or characters.

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